MONEY SMART : Achieve Your Financial Goals Faster With Less! : How to make more money and retire early # (L71)
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Format: Paperback
ISBN-13: 9789671873618
Berat (kg) :0.468
Jumlah Muka Surat: 350
"KCLau is the founder of, one of the leading financial blogs in Malaysia with more than 1,388 articles. With more than 20 years of experience in the personal finance arena, he has authored 6 books and has created over a dozen online financial courses to impart greater awareness on the subject. He has also hosted more than 500 online webinars and has contributed regularly to various media including New Straits Times, Smart Investor, etc.
This book is the culmination of 20 years of research and practice, teaching and personal experience about Personal Finance. "