(BOXSET) Koleksi Lengkap Sherlock Holmes: Edisi Bahasa Melayu
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- RM 174.40
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- RM 174.40
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RM 218.00
ISBN: 978-967-369-610-9
Penulis: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Tahun Terbitan: 2022
Halaman:Hitam Putih
Format: Softcover
Berat (kg): 3.30 kg
Dimensi (cm): 32 cm x 23 cm x 24 cm
Menghimpun semua kisah klasik Sherlock Holmes karya Sir Arthur Conan Doyle yang diterbitkan bermula tahun 1887 hingga tahun 1927, yang telah diterjemahkan ke bahasa Melayu dalam satu set kotak yang istimewa.
Set ini terdiri daripada 60 kisah Sherlock Holmes dalam 20 buah buku (mengikut kronologi terbitan asal):
1. Penyiasatan Benang Berdarah (A Study in Scarlet)
2. 4 Pemburu Harta (The Sign of Four)
3. Skandal di Bohemia (A Scandal in Bohemia)
4. Liga Kepala Merah (The Red-Headed League)
5. Misteri Identiti A Case of Identity)
6. Misteri Lembah Boscombe (The Boscombe Valley Mystery)
7. Lima Butir Biji Oren (The Five Orange Pips)
8. Lelaki Bermulut Herot (The Man with the Twisted Lip)
9. Misteri Delima Biru (The Adventure of the Blue Carbunble)
10. Misteri Pita Berbintik (The Adventure of the Speckled Band)
11. Misteri Ibu Jari Jurutera (The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb)
12. Pilu Seorang Bangsawan (The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor)
13. Misteri Mahkot Permata Beril (The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet)
14. Misteri Di Copper Beeches (The Adventure of the Copper Beeches)
15. Silver Blaze (Silver Blaze)
16. Wajah Kuning (The Yellow Face)
17. Kerani Broker Saham (The Stock-Broker’s Clerk)
18. 'Gloria Scott' (The ‘Gloria Scott’)
19. Ritual Keluarga Musgrave (The Musgrave Ritual)
20. Teka-Teki Reigate (The Reigate Puzzle)
21. Lelaki Berbadan Bongkok (The Crooked Man)
22. Pesakit Jalan Brook (The Resident Patient)
23. Jurubahasa Yunani (The Greek Interpreter)
24. Perjanjian Perkapalan The Naval Treaty)
25. Masalah Terakhir The Final Problem)
26. The Hound Of The Baskervilles
27. Perangkap Rumah Kosong (The Adventure of the Empty House)
28. Jurubina Dari Norwood (The Adventure of the Norwood Builder)
29. Rahsia Orang Menari (The Adventure of the Dancing Men)
30. Penunggang Basikal Solo (The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist)
31. Misteri Kehilangan Di Sekolah Priory (The Adventure of the Priory School)
32. Misteri Kematian Black Peter (The Adventure of Black Peter)
33. Si Jahat Charles Augustus Milverton (The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton)
34. Misteri Enam Napoleon (The Adventure of the Six Napoleons)
35. Tiga Pelajar Yang Disyaki (The Adventure of the Three Students)
36. Misteri Kaca Mata Keemasan (The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez)
37. Misteri Kehilangan Pemain Ragbi (The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter)
38. Pembunuhan Di Abbey Grange (The Adventure of the Abbey Grange)
39. Misteri Tompokan Kedua (The Adventure of the Second Stain)
40. The Valley Of Fear
41. Pembunuhan Di Wisteria Lodge (The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge)
42. Misteri Kotak Kadbod (The Adventure of the Cardboard Box)
43. Misteri Kumpulan Lingkaran Merah (The Adventure of the Red Circle)
44. Kisah Detektif Yang Nazak (The Adventure of the Dying Detective)
45. Pelan Bruce-Partington (The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans)
46. Misteri Kaki Syaitan (The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot)
47. Misteri Kehilangan Lady Frances Carfax (The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax)
48. Penghormatan Terakhir: Tugasan Perang Sherlock Holmes (The War Service of Sherlock Holmes)
49. Misteri Klien yang Masyhur (The Adventure of the Illustrious Client)
50. Misteri Perajurit Berwajah Pucat (The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier)
51. Misteri Batu Mazarin (The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone)
52. Misteri di Rumah The Three Gables (The Adventure of the Three Gables)
53. Misteri Puntianak Sussex (The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire)
54. Tiga Lelaki Bernama Garridebs (The Adventure of the Three Garridebs)
55. Kes Jambatan Thor (The Problem of Thor Bridge)
56. Misteri Lelaki Merangkak (The Adventure of the Creeping Man)
57. Misteri Surai Singa (The Adventure of the Lion’s Man)
58. Misteri Penyewa Berkerudung (The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger)
59. Misteri Shoscombe Old place (The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place)
60. Misteri Pesara Kilang Cat (The Adventure of the Retired Colourman)
- 1 poskad dan 4 penanda buku Sherlock Holmes
- 1 buku kompilasi Sherlock Holmes (diberi secara rawak & bergantung kepada stok)